Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The world is my playground

Hello everyone and welcome to my travel blog.  This is my first time blogging, so please bear with me... I don't really know what I'm doing, and this will be a work in process.  I'm pretty sure it will get better as I go along...

So what the hell is going on?  Who is this crazy Moebius?  And where is he going?

Well, you may have guessed, this is all about me baby.  Denis Roy aka Moebius (have thought of legally changing the name but never quite had the guts).  Some more info for those interested:

Age: 35.3
Born:  Chicoutimi, Quebec Canada
Lives in:  Chicago, IL (but that's about to change)
Sign:  Aries

Moebius - that's me !
Most of you probably know by now, but over the past couple years I have been toying with the idea of going on a long, long trip.  Sort of a world/self-exploration combo.  Take a break and see what else I've been missing.  This trip I have decided will be in America - might as well start in my own backyard, I barely know it!

This will be a driving trip. I intend to drive randomly, but in a generally southward direction, with no more than 1-2 week notice on my whereabouts.  I don't want to plan too far ahead, that would defeat the purpose...

But here is my general idea:

  • Start by going East, heading to NYC with a day at Cedar Point, OH
  • Lounge the coast north towards Quebec, where I will spend a few weeks with friends and family
  • Head due west towards Vancouver through the rockies
  • Drive south to San Francisco
  • Head back to the rockies
  • South through Texas, to the Mexican border
  • Cross Central America and emerge in Columbia, the first country in South America
  • From there, tour South America in a generally clockwise direction

If I go as far as I have been thinking, I will visit all 23 countries of the mainland Americas and end in Ecuador.  See the map below for a rough outline.  The countries crossed would be in the following order:

USA - Canada - USA - Mexico - Belize - Guatemala - El Salvador - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama - Colombia - Venezuela - Guyana - Suriname - French Guiana - Brazil - Paraguay - Uruguay - Argentina - Chile - Bolivia - Peru - Ecuador.

I'm not taking any of this for granted though.  Anything could happen, I might decide to stay in one single country for a couple months if I fancy, so we'll only know at the end how I did... no pressure...
As for company, well I'm going to do most of it by myself.  I'm sure some of you will join me along the way for a couple miles, and I'm sure I will meet others here and there, but for the most part I'm doing this on my own - and that's the way I want it.

Well... not entirely alone.  I have 2 small companions as you'll see in the picture below: Yoda and his bastard son, Monster (mother undetermined).  Now I feel much safer.

And of course, let's not forget about the most important part - the means of transportation.  Here she is, big, happy, motherly.  My new girlfriend for the next 6 or so months.  She's a Roadtrek with some good road experience, and I already like her a lot.

Help me find a name for her !
So that's it.  Here you have it.  The plans have been unveiled.  And this blog officially started.  I promise I will try not to bore you with uninteresting details.  For the most part I will share fun facts and stories, and perhaps a thought or two about how I'm doing otherwise.

I would really enjoy if you left comments to tell me you're reading this and following this trip with me, I will need all the support I can get. And feel free to ask any questions, send emails or whatnot and I promise to get back to everyone as promptly as I can!

For now, I will leave you all with the following challenge - can you please help me find a name for my van?

Until then...



  1. Can't wait to read about this. It's going to be EPIC!

  2. How about 'Roy Reflexion' as a name for you van?

    Anyway, I would like to say Congratulations! I think that what you are doing is incredible. Few people have the guts to do what you're doing.

    Have fun, my friend!

  3. yay! so excited for you :)

    my entry for van name is Big Bertha - it just feels right for that large motherly thing!

  4. Yay can't wait to read about your should call your van "von twinkie"

  5. Have a blast, man!! Can't wait to read about all the cool stuff you see and do.

    As for the van, how about "Tightie Whitie"? Its going to be snug living in there for 6 months.
